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Fraxel Restore Dual ®
Soprano Ice Laser Hair Removal ®
RioBlush ®


If you are suffering from sun-damaged skin that has lost its youthful glow, talk to Dr. Shadi Zari about the Fraxel Dual and the amazing improvements this treatment can bring. This treatment works to target the specific problems of aging and sun-damaged skin by stimulating the body to remodel collagen fibers. The advantage of this treatment is that the skin and surrounding tissues in the targeted area are unaffected and the treatment stimulates the growth of new, fresh, healthy skin cells, resulting in a smoother, more even surface.


How does Fraxel restore treatment work?

Fraxel restore laser treatment targets aging and sun-damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep intoyour skin to expedite your body’s remodeling of collagen. And since the laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, it leaves the surrounding tissue intact, which promotes very rapid healing. Fraxel restore treatment resurfaces your skin by stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin cells from the inside out.

What are the benefits of Fraxel restore treatment?
  • Smoother, fresher, younger-looking looking skin
  • Improved tone and texture
  • Erasing of unwanted brown spots
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes
  • Improved appearance of acne scars and surgical scars
How are Fraxel restore treatments performed?

First, your skin will be cleansed. Then, about 60 minutes prior to treatment, a topical anesthetic ointment will be applied to the treatment area. The Fraxel restore procedure takes 20 to 25 minutes for a full face.

How many treatments will I need and how will they be spaced?

Clinical studies suggest that on average, an effective treatment regimen is 3 to 5 sessions spaced about 2 to 4 weeks apart. Results are immediate and progressive, with optimal improvement usually visible in 2 to 3 months. This time frame and treatment structure allow for complete healing and the production of new collagen and elastin to replace damaged tissue.

Does Fraxel restore treatment hurt?

Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. To minimize discomfort, topical anesthesia is applied before the procedure and cold air is used on the treatment area during the procedure. After the treatment, most patients feel like they have a sunburn, which usually diminishes in 1 to 3 hours.

What should I expect after Fraxel restore treatment?

During the first 24 hours after treatment, your skin may feel as though it is sunburned, and it will appear pink or red. You can wear make-up to reduce the sunburned appearance. Your skin will naturally bronze over the next week or two, and as you continue treatment, the sunburned-to-bronzed appearance will repeat. As with a sunburn, your skin will flake and exfoliate normally. Use a moisturizer to reduce the appearance of dry flakes.

What side effects can I expect after treatment and how long will they last?

Swelling and redness are the most common side effects from Fraxel restore treatment. Any swelling is typically minimal and subsides within a day or two, and any redness typically fades within a few days. Other temporary side effects may include minor itching, dry skin, peeling or flaking, and a bronzed skin appearance. There is a limited risk of infection, hyperpigmentation, or scarring. The intensity and duration of side effects depend on the aggressiveness of treatment and on your particular healing characteristics.

What precautions should I take after treatment?

Wear sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, avoid direct sun exposure for at least 3 months after your last treatment, and wear a wide-brimmed hat when you’re in the sun.
Results may vary from patient to patient


Soprano ICE is a groundbreaking body hair reduction treatment that has transformed medical photo-epilation.  SHR™ technology and In-motion™ technique ensure that the surface of the skin stays cool and the experience of this treatment has never been more comfortable. It’s the most effective and fastest Laser hair removal treatment on the market.

Soprano ICE treatment can be done on all skin and most hair types and it provides safe, fast and satisfying results. Aesthetic practices such as Lucia Clinic consider Soprano ICE one of their key tools in providing aesthetic enhancements.

With highly effective laser technology Soprano ICE hair removal treatment lets therapists treat all body parts and put an end to unwanted hair growth from face to bikini zone to feet. Literally, all body areas can get silky smooth and beautiful skin.

Soprano ICE laser is FDA approved which means that it is absolutely safe and effective in hair removal. At the same time, it is non-invasive and painless which makes it one of the most wanted aesthetic treatments.

Soprano ICE laser hair removal treatment is suitable for both men and women and it is the best choice for everyone who wishes to effectively get rid of unwanted body hair


How many treatments will I need?

Typically, 8 treatments is adequate to provide permanent hair reduction. However, after a one-on-one consultation, your provider may determine that based on the density of your hair, hair color and skin color, you may require additional treatment. Your provider will advise you. It’s not unusual to require a touch-up treatment two years after completing laser hair removal treatments.

Will my hair ever grow back?

Actively growing hairs that are treated should not grow back.* Once a hair follicle is damaged it cannot grow hair. However, hair follicles that were not in the active growth phase will need to be treated. It’s also not unusual for patients to have a touch-up two years after initial treatment due to hormonal changes.

Why do I need 8 treatments?

Hair growth occurs in 4 stages: Early Anagen (early hair growth), Anagen (active hair growth) Catagen (regression) Telogen (resting, not growing) Laser hair removal only affects the Anagen stage, (actively growing hair). Therefore, approximately twenty-percent of hair is removed with each treatment. After 8 treatments, the area should be free from hair.*

Before the treatments?

Prior to the treatment, patients need to avoid tanning for two weeks and any exposure to the sun for 1 week before the treatment.

Patients should also avoid hair removal creams, threading, tweezing or waxing at least 6weeks prior to the treatment. The only form of hair removal that can be done is shaving. This is because the laser targets the root of the hair and it needs to be there during the treatment. All other forms of hair removal, take out the root of the hair and might interfere with the proper working of the laser and achieving optimal results.

During the treatments?

The first thing that a laser therapist does is cleaning the patient’s target area. Then the patient is provided with special protective eyewear. The therapist applies the gel to the area that will be treated in order to easily glide laser applicator across the skin and to make sure that the surface of the skin is protected. Then the treatment starts and the laser technician swiftly moves the applicator over the treated area as many times as necessary.

Every treated area is different and requires a different level of laser energy to achieve the best results. This is connected to the duration of treatment – the area above the lips can be treated in a few minutes. Larger areas will take more time to finish.

All the time, during the procedure the therapist makes sure that the patient is comfortable and safe.


After the treatment, there might appear some minor side-effects, like redness or sensitivity.

Patients should avoid heat coming from saunas, hot baths and steam rooms for at least 24hours post-procedure. Also, strenuous exercise and swimming are not recommended because of the possibility of irritation.

It is also advised to avoid tanning beds for a few weeks after the treatment. However, sun protection creams should be applied when going outside.


RioBlush Carbon Therapy – also known as CO2 Therapy – is an innovative treatment that stimulates your cells to naturally produce nutrients, collagen and elastin so your body can repair itself. This treatment has been shown to dramatically improve the appearance of panda eyes, tighten the chin, treat scars, reduce stretch marks and combat the appearance of cellulite. It is also used to help promote hair growth if you are currently experiencing hair loss.

Its uses

Periorbital – Dark Circles

The majority of dark eye circles are caused by poor circulation beneath the lower eyelids. In addition, the delicate skin beneath the eye tends to loose collagen as we age, resulting in thinner, more translucent skin. RioBlush CO2 therapy is one of the effective treatments for vascular pooling. The treatment is painless and involves injecting a small amount of CO2 just beneath the skin’s surface. This initiates the body’s own reparative process – increasing oxygen and blood flow and stimulating the production of collagen.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

RioBlush’s CO2 therapy is a safe and natural way to improve the appearance of both superficial and deep wrinkles.* The procedure consists of an injection of small quantities of medical-grade CO2 gas into the dermis and the subcutaneous skin layers. The CO2 boosts collagen production around the treated area and helps tighten loose and sagging skin.*

Androgenetic Alopecia

Effective treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia, using advanced RioBlush Carboxy Therapy techniques for hair follicle stimulation has produced noticeable results. This is an emerging area of research for RioBlush, so stay tuned for more information.
Results may vary from patient to patient

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